CAYELI SHIPPING LTD. (herein after called the “Company”) security policy is an active and practical security management policy based on the general security awareness of all personel and a range of measures, including plans, procedures and guidelines, in order to safeguard company crew, other employees, visitors, ships and cargoes from terrorist, piratical or other criminal acts.

Company, being fully aware of the requirements of the forthcoming ISPS Code, will:

• Observe the international laws and regulations regarding maritime security and ensure that they are fully covered in Company Security Manual
• Safeguard employees, visitors, customer cargo and ships
• Appoint and empower a suitably senior company officer as the Company Security Officer (CSO) with overall responsibility for security on board all company controlled vessels and give him sufficient resources to fullfil his duties and responsibilities.
• Ensure that the security is risk assessed, taking into account the type of crew, cargo, ship, routes and destinations
• Co-operate with the responsible authorities and act on their advice
• Promote safety and security awareness among all employees
• Appoint an officer as the Ship Security Officer (SSO) on each ship and support their responsibilities and duties
• Provide guidance and advice to Masters, SSOs and crew on the response to the threat and keep such guidance updated
• Establish a security element to the crisis management structure including Media and Response Plans
• Establish a reporting and recording system for incidents and pass that information to the authorities
• Recognise that additional security requirements may impose additional burdens on Masters and crew
• Support Master in his authority to make independent security decisions and ask for assistance where necessary
• Support the CSO, Master and SSO to fulfil their duties and responsibilities

GENERAL MANAGER / 28.03.2018
